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Stevenson Headlines

Stevenson High School

The Livonia Education Association (LEA) is proud to offer five scholarships for Livonia Public Schools seniors graduating this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to help support your post-secondary education goals.

Available Scholarships:

  1. $1,000 Community College/Trade School Scholarship
  2. $1,000 University Scholarship (one awarded to a senior at each of the three high schools: Churchill, Franklin, and Stevenson)
  3. $1,500 Outstanding Livonia Public Schools Senior Scholarship--The Kenneth B. McClain Scholarship
Read More about 2025 LEA Scholarship

SHS Upcoming Events

Stevenson Information

Adlai E. Stevenson High School
33500 W. Six Mile Rd.
Livonia, MI 48152
"Striving for excellence; learning for life."

Phone: (734) 744-2660
Fax: (734) 744-2662

Mr. Pete Mazzoni (email)

Assistant Principals:
Mr. Paul Kennedy (email)
Mr. Pete Kotsogiannis (email)
Mrs. Christina Abojamra (email)

Athletic Director:
Mr. Arnold "Arnie" Muscat (email)

2024-2025 School Year Hours

Full Student Day: 7:25 AM - 2:20 PM

AM Half Day: 7:25 AM - 10:25 AM
PM Half Day: 11:25 AM - 2:20 PM

Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM

2024-25 SHS Bell Schedule



Summer Hours 

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Closed Fridays and Labor Day


Points of Pride: District News

preview nights for ninth graders

If you have a student who will enter high school next school year, you won't want to miss the special evenings that have been scheduled at our three high schools! For local families who live within the LPS boundaries, but has a student who does not currently attend our high schools, feel free to use the QR Code to submit a request to tour the school! We look forward to welcoming you! 

Read More about Incoming 9th Grade Preview Nights