Summer Programs
The following is a partial list of summer programs and camps available for high school students in our area. Click on the title of each program for more details including dates, the application process, and fees.
Please note that some programs are still in the process of updating their summer offerings. We suggest visiting their websites periodically and/or contacting them directly for additional, updated information.
- Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
- Central Michigan University Leadership Camp
- Cosmetic and Formulation Design Summer Camp (virtual)
- Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP)
- Duke Summer Academy and Summer College
- Ferris State University Summer Sports & Academic Camps
- Girls Who Code (girls and non-binary students)
- Madonna University Summer Music Theater
- Michigan State University Spartan Youth Programs (searchable database)
- Michigan Tech Summer Youth Programs
- Oakland University Summer Camps & Workshops
- Schoolcraft College Kids On Campus (KOC) Program
- The Joyce Ivy Foundation Summer Scholars Program
- Joy of Coding Program (virtual)
- University of Detroit Mercy Summer Programs
- University of Michigan Summer Programs Youth Hub
- Washtenaw Community College Tech and College Prep Camps
- Wayne State University K-12 Summer Programs
- Western Michigan University Summer Camps