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How to Help your Son or Daughter be a Great Student 

  1. Buy him or her a Daily Planner and ask to see the Daily Planner every evening. This should be brought to each class and something should be written in it even if there is no assigned work that day. Stevenson students are issued a planner at the beginning of the school year.  Students who make use of it tend to be more successful. 
  2. Make sure he or she misses as little school as is absolutely necessary. The number one reason for student failure is poor attendance. Please don't call in absences for unnecessary activities.
  3. Check your son or daughter's grades on ParentConnect regularly. If you are unsure how to use it, check with the main office.
  4. Challenge him or her when things are going poorly and reinforce when things are going well. Sticks and carrots can and will create positive change and positive outcomes.
  5. Make sure your son or daughter has the appropriate materials for success! A Daily Planner, one folder for each subject, writing utensils.
  6. Help him or her train (study) by asking and answering questions! Asking and answering questions without seeing the answers is the first, best way to learn. Use whatever research materials your son or daughter has for a particular learning unit to create questions. Anticipate the quiz or test by not only reviewing vocabulary and other memorized information but by extending and applying the information as well. Think like a teacher.
  7. Seek extra assistance from his or her teacher. If your son or daughter is not doing as well as you both want, encourage him or her to ask questions in class. If this isn't working, be sure to have them stay after school for additional assistance.
  8. Get your son or daughter involved. Encourage him or her to join a sport or club. Stevenson offers everything from volleyball to debate. There is something for everyone!
  9. Be aware of what’s going on by checking teacher web pages. Many teachers post what they are doing in class almost every day and most assignments can be downloaded and printed from home.

Involved and aware parents raise great students.

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